Mental health services are needed more now than ever…

And Action Mental Health’s team has worked tirelessly throughout the lockdown period.

Their aim was to make sure their clients and service users could continue to access vital services.

Action Mental Health provides a diverse range of services across Northern Ireland.

Reshaping and reorganising the delivery of all their services wasn’t easy.

However, within days of the lockdown being announced hundreds of clients were receiving support via Acton Mental Health’s recovery services.

They did this in a range of ways including:

  • Phone calls
  • Zoom sessions
  • Delivery of care packs

The charity also provided a range of resilience and emotional well-being training.

These were delivered in a wide variety of settings including schools, community organisations, and workplaces.

Physical delivery wasn’t possible so the team quickly adapted their programmes so that they could be delivered virtually.

They also specially tailored them to the situations and issues that people were facing through the lockdown.

Counselling sessions were also quickly moved online. This has provided an immense source of support to clients. A range of therapeutic counselling services has been delivered to people of all ages.

Action Mental Health’s mission is to make a positive difference to people’s mental health and well-being.

The generous support they receive from people right across Northern Ireland helps them to achieve this.

But like all our member charities, their fundraising income has been hit with the immediate and continued cancellation of so many fundraising initiatives.

There are many ways you can still support them if you would like to do so – to find out more visit their website.

Leaving a gift in your will is a very special way to secure the future of Action Mental Health’s services.

It will make a massive difference to the well-being of future generations. You can find out more about leaving a gift to Action Mental Health here.

To help plan your Will why not download Will to Give’s FREE Will writing Guide here?

Image – Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

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