Retirement is a time to be excited about, a time to do what you want, it is quite literally your time to shine! It may require a slightly different outlook, compared to your working life, so we thought we would write down some handy tips on how you can enjoy life as never before!

There’s an extra tip on planning ahead, make or update your Will and consider leaving a gift to charity. Scroll down to the bottom to find out more.

1. Learn to relax – having more time for yourself means that you can focus on your own needs. Get away from it all, take up some old hobbies, read a book, whatever it is you like to do to relax.

2. Stay active and spend time outdoors every day – a walk can really help freshen your mood and release happy healthy endorphins. Fresh air and new scenery can help awaken you. Look for the small things in daily life that make you happy.

3. Strengthen your mind – keep your mind active too, play soduko, do a crossword, take up a new project to help keep the brain ticking and keep your confidence levels up.

4. Socialise – what better way to enjoy your retirement than with the people you love, your family and friends and people in the community. Get out, speak to people or perhaps join a new club.

5. Keep a pet – having company in the house and the unconditional love of a pet is remarkable.

6. Have your own bucket list – are there things you always wanted to do but never had time to do them before? It could be something simple like climbing a mountain or visiting a place. Now is your opportunity to experience life and what it has to offer.

7. Pass on your knowledge and care to the next generation – if you have the opportunity to spend time with your grandchildren, take in their innocence and simple outlook in life and pass on your words of wisdom to help them grow.

8. Take good care of yourself and then others around you – look after yourself, your physical and mental health and be there and present to enjoy other people’s company.

9. Volunteer and make a difference – keep close to a cause or charity you love, you could offer them your skills and time to help fundraise or deliver their services. Tell them what you have to offer and be clear on what you would like to do so that you feel fulfilled.

10. Keep your own faith – whatever it is you hold dear to your heart or believe in, maintain this to help with healing and your own sense of purpose.

11. And one more for good luck! Look after your finances and plan ahead, make or update your Will and consider leaving a gift to your favourite charity.

Small affordable gifts can make a huge difference to the charities you love and help you leave your legacy. Find out more here

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