What is World Gratitude Day?
It was in 1965, at a Thanksgiving Day dinner in the meditation room of the United Nations building, that the idea of World Gratitude Day first came into being.
Spiritual and meditation leader Sri Chinmoy suggested there be a day of thanks the whole world could celebrate together. Those present at the meeting pledged that each year on 21st September they would hold a celebration of gratitude in their country.
World Gratitude Day is your opportunity to join this global community and participate by reflecting on what you or your organisation feels grateful for.
There are no hard and fast rules on how to celebrate World Gratitude Day – it is totally up to you – so be creative.
Will to Give is using the opportunity to say thanks to…
Everyone who has pledged to leave a charitable gift in their Will, and of course remember all the people, no longer with us, who have already left a gift. Their generosity and kindness is so important to our member charities.
Our member charities, we are grateful for the work you do and the services you provide across such a wide range of causes.
Finally, the legal profession for guiding your clients when they undertake the emotional job of writing their Will, providing advice and support on the benefits of leaving a charitable gift.
We are grateful.
What are you grateful for today? You don’t have to tell us but we’d love it, if you left us a comment below.