What we do
The National Trust was founded in 1895 by three people who saw the importance of the nation’s heritage and open spaces and wanted to preserve them for everyone to enjoy. We have been active in the protection of our natural, built and cultural heritage in Northern Ireland since 1936, where we now care for coastlines, forests, woods, fens, mountains, beaches, farmland, moorland, islands, archaeological remains, nature reserves, villages, historic houses, gardens, mills and pubs. We do it because open space, nature and heritage are important to all our lives. They provide an escape, a chance to relax and enjoy many memorable experiences.
Gifts in Wills
In Northern Ireland three out of four of our properties cannot fund their own conservation. We only receive public funding to assist us with our conservation work, through competitive application; and our membership fees simply aren’t enough to cover our ongoing costs. We therefore depend on legacies to help us to protect and maintain the future of the unique landscapes and special places we all cherish. In Northern Ireland, the Trust provides access to 174km (22%) of the coastline and 12,000 hectares (120 sq. km) of scenic countryside incorporating iconic sites such as Slieve Donard (our highest mountain), the Giant’s Causeway (our first World Heritage Site) and Strangford Lough (our first Marine Conservation Zone), 232 Listed buildings, 52 Industrial heritage sites and 23 outdoor/ public access sites..
Contact Us
Name: Neil Irwin
Telephone: 07833287672
Email: neil.irwin@nationaltrust.org.uk
Website: www.nationaltrust.org.uk
Information your solicitor will need
Registered Address: The Stableyard, Rowallane House, Saintfield, County Down, BT24 7JA
Registered Charity Number: 205846