Northern Ireland remains the cheapest place to be buried in the UK.

A report from 2018 highlighted that Northern Ireland continues to be the cheapest place in the UK to be buried, with costs just edging over the £3,000 mark at £3,036.

This is in comparison to elsewhere in the UK where prices range from £3,535 in Scotland to £4,779 in the most expensive area, London.

The cost of a burial is slightly higher at £3,128 than the cost of cremation at £2,943. 

However, families living outside the Belfast City Council area will face a higher cremation charge of £626 in comparison to families living within the Belfast City Council area at £380.

Northern Ireland has only one crematorium at Roselawn in Belfast, limiting options for families or individuals wishing to choose cremation.

In an article for the Belfast Telegraph –  

Ian Milne of Milne Funeral Services said:

“You can’t argue with the figures, but we never take them too seriously. Each funeral is an individual one. Every last wish is different.”

“It’s all down to individual taste and it can also come down to religion. A Catholic funeral will usually cost more as the headstone is likely to be more elaborate.

“A Presbyterian funeral will be less as there tends to be less extravagance. It’s a simpler affair.”

The costs highlighted in the report only cover the cost of the actual burial or cremation – additional costs can include memorial stones, funeral cars, flowers, death notices, and catering.

This can be in the region of £1,900 depending on personal choice.


Will to Give is a unique network of charities working together to encourage people in Northern Ireland to leave a charitable gift in their Will.

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