Alison Vidamour, Will to Give Management Committee Member

And NICHS Direct Marketing Manager

“I recently joined Will to Give as a Committee member, although Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke, whom I work for, has been a very supportive member of the organisation for many years.  As a committee member I am part of a wider group of charities whose mission is to encourage as many people as possible to consider making a Will and leaving a charitable gift.

I know making a Will is not something most people want to think about and in Northern Ireland we have the accolade of being the least likely region in the UK to have made a Will, a staggering 74% of us haven’t made one.  

But the fact is, making a wWll is an important consideration for everyone. It’s not complicated or expensive and if you have a family, are married, own property or have savings and assets worth over £10,000, you need to have one.  

I made my first Will five years ago when my husband and I were about to set off on a long haul trip together.  I admit I am a bit of a worrier, so the thought of something happening to either of us and our daughter being left alone in the world, not knowing who would care for her, and how she would be provided for,  made me think, what would happen if….


A day or two later we made the first draft of our Wills with our solicitor. It was very straightforward.  We had to bring along a list of any assets we owned and who we wanted to do what, or leave anything to.
And that was it.  Our Wills were made and we went on our holiday knowing that should disaster strike (thankfully it didn’t), what mattered most to us was settled. 

If you don’t have a Will and you leave over £10,000, your estate will be declared ‘ intestate’.  It’s a slow and difficult process to sort everything out and your money, or prize possessions may end up in the wrong hands. This can be very upsetting for loved ones who may have been expecting to benefit.  

Even worse if you have no Will and no identifiable family members, your estate will be destined for the Government’s coffers.   

As a member of Will to Give, I would encourage everyone to make a Will. Having one means your family and friends are taken care off and it’s a huge relief just knowing that.  At WTG we would encourage everyone to think about leaving a gift to the charity, or charities you support in your will. Any gift, small or large is most welcome”.  

If you would like further information on leaving a gift in your Will, click here 

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