Calling all Legacy Fundraisers!

This event is open to non Will to Give members.

Wednesday, 11th September 2024
10 – 11:30am

Having an up-to-date Will is good for everyone. You gain peace of mind. Your friends and family are taken care of. And if you choose to leave a legacy, the work of the charities you care about is protected.

But so many people in NI (and across the UK) still haven’t made a Will!!

How can charities encourage their supporters to make or update their Will, and to continue their generosity in life with a legacy gift?

This webinar, we’ll be joined by Emma Rylance, Director of Charity Partnerships at Bequeathed to equip you to confidently talk to supporters about making a Will, and to get your colleagues doing the same.

We’ll cover:

    • Why it’s so important for supporters (and everyone else) to have a current Will and when they might need to update it
    • The common reasons people give for not making a Will, and how to respond to them
    • Pointing supporters in the right direction – what kind of Will is right for them?
    • Choosing a Will-writing partner (or not) – what’s the difference between all the options?
    • Using conversations about making a Will to introduce a legacy ask

We all know there can’t be a gift in a Will without a Will, so come along and be inspired to get your supporters taking the first step!

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