
We need your help!

Over 80% of people in Northern Ireland donate to charity during their lifetime. That’s a huge percentage of our population.

Yet so few of us consider leaving a gift to charity in our Will.

Research tells us there are lots of reasons for this.

People say they just didn’t know they could, or they think they’re not wealthy enough to leave a gift in their WIll.

But, research has also told us that if someone is given the option of leaving a gift in their Will by their solicitor or Will writing professional they’re twice as likely to leave a gift.

And if they’re asked if they are passionate about a particular charity they’re three times as likely to leave a gift in their Will.

How amazing is that!

By simply asking your clients if they would like to leave a gift in their Will, there is a chance that legacy income to charities in Northern Ireland could increase dramatically.

Just a 1% increase in charitable gifts in Wills could represent £78 million for our most loved charities.

We know that your clients rely on you for the right information to guide them in their decision making and that looking after their loved ones always comes first.

All we are asking you do is make your clients aware that leaving a gift in their Will is an option.

To support you in doing this you can display our information leaflets available on request by emailing

Will to Give will also be working to encourage more people in Northern Ireland to write their Will and help reduce the low levels of Will writing in general.

Together we can really make a difference in supporting people to write their Will and in to consider leaving a charitable gift in their Will.

We’re a social bunch – find us here Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or subscribe to our mailing list.

Michael Graham, Director and Head of Private Client at Cleaver Fulton Rankin has supported Will to Give since the beginning…

“In 2009 I was asked to join a newly formed committee aimed at encouraging people to leave charitable legacies in Wills. That small group has transformed into Will to Give – now 60+ members strong. Fellow professionals – network with Will to Give. It’s the only dedicated resource promoting legacies in Northern Ireland.”

Can You Help?

Solicitors and Will Writers

Will you ask your client?

Did you know that you can leave a charitable gift in your will?

Are you passionate about a particular charity?

By asking either of these questions could potentially increase charitable gifts in will by up to 15%

Member Charities
Have not made their will
Have left a gift in their will